Today, more than ever, ‘Spaceship Earth’ is an apt metaphor as we chart the boundaries for a safe planet. What can social scientists contribute to this conversation?
Nature Sustainability
Nature Sustainability
Today, more than ever, ‘Spaceship Earth’ is an apt metaphor as we chart the boundaries for a safe planet. What can social scientists contribute to this conversation?
Annals of Economics and Statistics
A new conceptual framework for the age-old prescriptivism-versus-descriptivism debate
Environmental Research Letters
While cheap, such an aircraft-based program would unlikely be a secret
Harvard Kennedy School Faculty Research Working Paper
The massive uncertainties afflicting climate change should be a prod to policy action.
Geoengineering Our Climate?: Ethics, Politics and Governance
Fast, Cheap, and Imperfect
Harvard Kennedy School Faculty Research Working Paper
Together with mitigation and adaptation, carbon and solar geoengineering span the universe of possible climate policies.
Harvard University
Fall 2018
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy
Toward a revamping of climate damage estimates in IPCC AR6
Environmental Politics
Economics Letters
Reply to Cox et al. (2018), Nature 553 (7688), 319-322.