Gates Foundation discounting workshop

Boston, MA

“Wirtschaft wartet nicht auf Washington”

Gespräch mit Martin Tauss

Solar geoengineering reduces atmospheric carbon burden

Solar geoengineering is no substitute for cutting emissions, but could nevertheless help reduce the atmospheric carbon burden. In the extreme, if solar geoengineering were used to hold radiative forcing constant under RCP8.5, the carbon burden may be reduced by ~100 GTC, equivalent to 12–26% of twenty-first-century emissions at a cost of under US$0.5 per tCO2.

How Do We Fix It? After Harvey: Climate Change Insurance

Conversation with Richard Davies and Jim Meigs

European Forum Alpbach Talking Climate

Alpbach, Austria

„Für Pessimismus ist es zu spät“

Das heißeste Eisen: Sollen wir Schwefeldioxid in die Stratosphäre pumpen, um uns zu schützen?

KAB Sommerakademie

Gaming, Austria

European Forum Alpbach Geoengineering

Alpbach, Austria

European Forum Alpbach seminar “Energy transition”

Alpbach, Austria

ORF Ö1 Mittagsjournal

Gestaltung: Barbara Riedl-Daser


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