PolitiFact: “With time and money, US can replace banned Russian imports with domestic oil”

It should do more than just replace Russian with domestic oil 1 for 1.

The Naked Scientists: Is green energy more expensive?

Does cutting down on fossil fuel prove to be more cost effective for the green energy consumer?

The Guardian on Republicans and fossil fuels

"Republicans pledge allegiance to fossil fuels like it’s still the 1950s"

It’s Too Late for Big Oil’s Pivot to a Carbon Tax

The American Petroleum Institute is considering endorsing a carbon price. That’s a big shift, but a carbon price alone is not good climate policy.

NPR Marketplace

Consider fossil fuel deaths when contemplating fossil fuel bailouts

Not all fossil fuel subsidies are created equal, all are bad for the planet

Subsidy (noun, \ ˈsəb-sə-dē \) “a grant by a government to a private person or company to assist an enterprise deemed advantageous to the public”

Österreichs Energie Kongress

Pamhagen, Austria

Push renewables to spur carbon pricing

Make wind and solar power even cheaper by opening up access to the electricity grid and ending fossil-fuel subsidies.

The Economic Case for Environmental Rules

Overall, the benefits of the 1970 Clean Air Act exceed costs by a factor of 30 to 1.

A ton of coal, gone tomorrow

Green accounting = honest accounting

ZEIT-Gipfel: „Die Energiewende in Österreich“

Live auf Puls24

Der Standard: „Wie werden wir Putins Gas los – und wer zahlt den Preis dafür?“


PolitiFact: “With time and money, US can replace banned Russian imports with domestic oil”

It should do more than just replace Russian with domestic oil 1 for 1.

The Naked Scientists: Is green energy more expensive?

Does cutting down on fossil fuel prove to be more cost effective for the green energy consumer?

The Guardian on Republicans and fossil fuels

"Republicans pledge allegiance to fossil fuels like it’s still the 1950s"

It’s Too Late for Big Oil’s Pivot to a Carbon Tax

The American Petroleum Institute is considering endorsing a carbon price. That’s a big shift, but a carbon price alone is not good climate policy.

NPR Marketplace

Consider fossil fuel deaths when contemplating fossil fuel bailouts

Not all fossil fuel subsidies are created equal, all are bad for the planet

Subsidy (noun, \ ˈsəb-sə-dē \) “a grant by a government to a private person or company to assist an enterprise deemed advantageous to the public”

Österreichs Energie Kongress

Pamhagen, Austria


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