Jain Family Institute

New York, NY

Reflecting on Solar Geoengineering

New York, NY

Gordon Research Conference

Newry, Maine

Council on Foreign Relations

New York, NY

The New European: “Earth’s last rays of hope?”

By Clár Ní Chonghaile

Geoengineering: the Gamble

Book excerpt

Morgan Stanley

Climate Change University

Penn State

University Park, PA

Roosevelt House

Hunter College

Zeit für solares Geoengineering?

Solares Geoengineering ist riskant – sehr riskant sogar. Dasselbe gilt aber auch für die Abhängigkeit von fossilen Brennstoffen und den Klimawandel. Trotzdem emittieren wir weiterhin CO2. Nehmen wir das richtige Risiko in Kauf?

Green Moral Hazards

Use the attention paid to the underlying environmental problem to actively invoke the opposite: 'inverse moral hazards'.

Simons Foundation

New York, NY

CFR podcast: Fighting the Climate Crisis

The President’s Inbox

Eureka! “Can technology save the planet?”

Podcast banter with Rick Edwards & Michael Brooks

Jain Family Institute

New York, NY

Reflecting on Solar Geoengineering

New York, NY

Gordon Research Conference

Newry, Maine

Council on Foreign Relations

New York, NY

The New European: “Earth’s last rays of hope?”

By Clár Ní Chonghaile


Keep in touch.