The Implications of Uncertainty and Ignorance for Solar Geoengineering

Where climate change and solar geoengineering are concerned, errors of commission and omission should be weighted equally.

Moral Hazard and Solar Geoengineering

Moral hazard [ˈmôrəl ˈhazərd, noun]—The lack of incentive to guard against risk when one is protected from its consequences.

The Hazard of Environmental Morality

Efforts to combat climate change should be pragmatic above all else.

Ö1 Dimensionen: “Plan C: Geoengineering”

Gestaltung: Benjamin Breitegger

What it’s like when Questlove does a better job tweeting about your research than CNN

A conversation between Holly Buck and Gernot Wagner

Energy Research Insights for Decisionmaking

Washington, DC

Research Workshop in Political Economy

Cambridge, MA

Stratospheric aerosol injection tactics and costs in the first 15 years of deployment

While cheap, such an aircraft-based program would unlikely be a secret

First quarterly newsletter from Harvard’s Solar Geoengineering Research Program

Solar geoengineering is at once an important and immensely difficult topic—both to research and to discuss its broader implications.

Vox Future Perfect

"If the world doesn’t get its act together on climate change, this could be our last resort."

Highly decentralized solar geoengineering

At ~$5/kg SO2 delivered, balloons are only ~4x as expensive as high-altitude aircraft

Erklär mir CO₂-Steuern

Eine Steuer auf CO₂ einzuführen ist die beliebteste Lösung gegen den Klimawandel. Warum eigentlich?

Outside/In — Planet “B”

Is geoengineering crazy enough to work? Or just plain crazy?

University of Chicago

Chicago, IL

Slow Journalism Night

London, UK

Might research on solar geoengineering resemble its broader “free-driver” dynamics?

Moving to Economics 102 often reverses fundamental Econ 101 answers around cutting carbon emissions. Might the same be true—in reverse—when moving from Solar Geoengineering 101 to 102?

Solar Geoengineering Research Zotero Library

1,500+ research papers

Climate Hackers

Australian Broadcasting Corporation

The Implications of Uncertainty and Ignorance for Solar Geoengineering

Where climate change and solar geoengineering are concerned, errors of commission and omission should be weighted equally.


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