The rebound effect is overplayed

Increasing energy efficiency brings emissions savings.

Why Bloomberg Endorsed Obama

Yes, it really is climate change, stupid.

Playing God

The climate problem, twice over: Seven billion "free riders," meet the "free drivers" of geoengineering.

An Optimist’s Case for Climate Policy


Global Kids Institute, Council on Foreign Relations

New York, NY

Don't just vote with your dollars. Vote.

New York Times Room for Debate

Rio Isn’t All Lost

Carbon emissions have increased by 50 percent since the first Earth Summit meeting in Rio de Janeiro, but the rapid development of wind and solar energy offers hope.

Should the government support green jobs and renewable energy?

Harvard Club of New York

Air Travel and Global Warming: The EU Is Leading

Has the EU found a way to get consumers to bear more of the environmental costs of flying?

Elinor Ostrom and a new culture in economics


Climate Change: Like an Asteroid

The threat of climate change must be taken far more seriously, before it is too late.

Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

San Diego, CA

Why Environmental Action Is so Hard

Gambles may be appealing in a casino, but in the real world humans crave certainty.

Bailing out the planet

Book excerpt

New Climate-Economic Thinking

The Institute for New Economic Thinking

Climate Shock in under 90 seconds

Stopping the increase in emissions isn't enough

Columbia University

New York, NY

How does climate stack up against other worst-case scenarios?

Climate isn’t the only catastrophe threatening the planet, but it may be the one most in need of attention and resources.

The planet won’t notice you recycle, and your vote doesn’t count

But you should do it anyway. The definitive guide to screaming at, coping with, and profiting from climate change


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