CESifo Area Conference

Munich, Germany

Sustainable Development Seminar

Columbia University

University of Colorado, Boulder

Boulder, Colorado

Declining crop yields limit the potential of bioenergy

Global-warming projections that rely on bioenergy strategies to offset carbon dioxide emissions could be unduly optimistic, according to a study that accounts for how climate change affects crop yields.

APA: “Sinkende Ernteerträge durch Klimawandel mindern CO₂-Speicherpotenzial”


Gordon Research Conference

Newry, Maine

Climate risk is financial risk

“Diversifying risk is nigh impossible when it affects the entire planet.”

Roosevelt House

Hunter College

White House Office of Science and Technology Policy


Österreichische Nationalbank

Vienna, Austria

Econ Free Lunch

Columbia Business School

CESifo Area Conference

Munich, Germany

Sustainable Development Seminar

Columbia University

University of Colorado, Boulder

Boulder, Colorado

Declining crop yields limit the potential of bioenergy

Global-warming projections that rely on bioenergy strategies to offset carbon dioxide emissions could be unduly optimistic, according to a study that accounts for how climate change affects crop yields.

APA: “Sinkende Ernteerträge durch Klimawandel mindern CO₂-Speicherpotenzial”


Gordon Research Conference

Newry, Maine

Climate risk is financial risk

“Diversifying risk is nigh impossible when it affects the entire planet.”

Roosevelt House

Hunter College


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