3 ways to spend Biden’s clean-energy windfall faster

Build, build, build.

Raise the federal debt limit

Letter organized by the Washington Center for Equitable Growth

NPR Marketplace: United launches $100 million green jet fuel fund

By Mitchell Hartman

Can geoengineering slow climate change? We need research to find out.

Geoengineering research flights are a good federal investment

Comments on Fed’s Climate Principles

Docket No. OP–1793

Chosun (조선일보): 2023 Economic Outlook

“탄소 배출로 세계 GDP 8% 손해…화석 연료가 인플레 원인”

Foreign Service Institute

U.S. State Department

The Global Clean-Energy Race

ASciNA Virtual Talk

Amerika Haus

Vienna, Austria

The Case for Mandating Climate-Risk Disclosure

The US Securities and Exchange Commission is considering a proposal to require some companies to disclose information relating to the risks they face from climate change. But the agency is coming under pressure to scrap or water down the proposal because of a recent Supreme Court decision.

Will the Banking Busts Hurt Clean Tech?

Rather than impeding the clean-energy race, the recent collapse of the US start-up community's go-to bank offers valuable lessons for managing the public-private minuet that the net-zero transition requires. The doomsayers are missing the bigger picture.

Climate Policy

Spring 2023 MBA course

Europe Must Tax Brown and Subsidize Green

The US Inflation Reduction Act is a landmark legislative package that should be welcomed around the world, despite its putatively protectionist features. Owing to the positive learning-by-doing spillovers that follow from green subsidies, Europe and the rest of the world ultimately will benefit, too.

NPR Marketplace: After Norfolk derailment, Biden wants more funding for the EPA

By Ali Budner

3 ways to spend Biden’s clean-energy windfall faster

Build, build, build.

Raise the federal debt limit

Letter organized by the Washington Center for Equitable Growth

NPR Marketplace: United launches $100 million green jet fuel fund

By Mitchell Hartman

Can geoengineering slow climate change? We need research to find out.

Geoengineering research flights are a good federal investment

Comments on Fed’s Climate Principles

Docket No. OP–1793


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