NPR Marketplace: After Norfolk derailment, Biden wants more funding for the EPA

By Ali Budner

3 ways to spend Biden’s clean-energy windfall faster

Build, build, build.

Raise the federal debt limit

Letter organized by the Washington Center for Equitable Growth

NPR Marketplace: United launches $100 million green jet fuel fund

By Mitchell Hartman

Can geoengineering slow climate change? We need research to find out.

Geoengineering research flights are a good federal investment

Comments on Fed’s Climate Principles

Docket No. OP–1793

Chosun (조선일보): 2023 Economic Outlook

“탄소 배출로 세계 GDP 8% 손해…화석 연료가 인플레 원인”

Foreign Service Institute

U.S. State Department

The Global Clean-Energy Race

ASciNA Virtual Talk

Amerika Haus

Vienna, Austria

Get tax credits right to make clean hydrogen a boon not a boondoggle

Will the Banking Busts Hurt Clean Tech?

Rather than impeding the clean-energy race, the recent collapse of the US start-up community's go-to bank offers valuable lessons for managing the public-private minuet that the net-zero transition requires. The doomsayers are missing the bigger picture.

Climate Policy

Spring 2023 MBA course

Europe Must Tax Brown and Subsidize Green

The US Inflation Reduction Act is a landmark legislative package that should be welcomed around the world, despite its putatively protectionist features. Owing to the positive learning-by-doing spillovers that follow from green subsidies, Europe and the rest of the world ultimately will benefit, too.

NPR Marketplace: After Norfolk derailment, Biden wants more funding for the EPA

By Ali Budner

3 ways to spend Biden’s clean-energy windfall faster

Build, build, build.

Raise the federal debt limit

Letter organized by the Washington Center for Equitable Growth

NPR Marketplace: United launches $100 million green jet fuel fund

By Mitchell Hartman

Can geoengineering slow climate change? We need research to find out.

Geoengineering research flights are a good federal investment


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