Economics Needs a Climate Revolution

With its fixation on equilibrium thinking and an exclusive focus on market factors that can be precisely measured, the neoclassical orthodoxy in economics is fundamentally unequipped to deal with today's biggest problems. Change within the discipline is underway, but it cannot come fast enough.

Harvard Environmental Insights podcast

Conversation with Rob Stavins

The Climate Tipping Point We Want

The green transition comes with costs; but they are well worth it, and they pale in comparison to the costs of inaction. The ever-falling costs of renewables have not eliminated the politics of climate change. But they certainly have made our choices much easier.

Tele Akademie

SWR, 3sat und ARD-alpha

Österreichisches Windenergiesymposium

Vienna, Austria

Festival of Economics

Trento, Italy

California Nightmare

Catastrophic fires call for rethinking suburban NIMBYism

Climate Alarm is Not Alarmism

New information about the link between atmospheric CO₂ and eventual global average warming bolsters the case for climate policy now

Climate Economics Nobel May Do More Harm Than Good

By Marlowe Hood/Agence France-Presse

WKO Exporttag

Covid-Klima Links

Economic impacts of tipping points in the climate system

We synthesize this emerging literature and provide unified, geophysically realistic estimates of the economic impacts of eight climate tipping points.

European Forum Alpbach

Discussion with Nora Laufer and Katharina Rogenhofer

Scientists’ Open Letter to Biden Administration and Congress

"Your leadership is urgently needed to seize the small window of opportunity that remains to limit the most catastrophic impacts of climate change now and for future generations."

Nightmare Climate Scenarios

The economist Martin Weitzman got scientists and politicians to think about the worst-case outcomes of global warming. We’re seeing them happen right now.

Economics Needs a Climate Revolution

With its fixation on equilibrium thinking and an exclusive focus on market factors that can be precisely measured, the neoclassical orthodoxy in economics is fundamentally unequipped to deal with today's biggest problems. Change within the discipline is underway, but it cannot come fast enough.

Harvard Environmental Insights podcast

Conversation with Rob Stavins

The Climate Tipping Point We Want

The green transition comes with costs; but they are well worth it, and they pale in comparison to the costs of inaction. The ever-falling costs of renewables have not eliminated the politics of climate change. But they certainly have made our choices much easier.

Tele Akademie

SWR, 3sat und ARD-alpha

Österreichisches Windenergiesymposium

Vienna, Austria


Keep in touch.