Arab Fiscal Forum

Dubai, UAE

I.S.E.O Summer School

Iseo (Brescia), Italia

Timing is everything

Acting early can change the entire trajectory of a pandemic — or the global climate crisis

Österreichisches Windenergiesymposium

Vienna, Austria

WKO Exporttag

Covid-Klima Links

Covid-climate links

My Covid-climate thoughts organized in one place, in reverse chronological order

How to Reset the US Pandemic Response

Whether the problem is COVID-19 or climate change, the market on its own will not produce a sufficient quantity of goods – like therapeutic drugs or environmentally sustainable growth – that benefit society. Capitalizing on America’s private-sector dynamism will require the state to create incentives to produce such “social goods.”

Nein zur „Verschrottungsprämie“

Offener Brief von GLOBAL 2000, VCÖ, WWF Österreich, Sigrid Stagl, Karl Aiginger und Gernot Wagner an die österreichische Bundesregierung

Delayed Gratification Reading Club

London, UK

Foreign Policy: Sorry, Nature Isn’t Returning

Don’t Touch Your Face podcast

Arab Fiscal Forum

Dubai, UAE

I.S.E.O Summer School

Iseo (Brescia), Italia

Timing is everything

Acting early can change the entire trajectory of a pandemic — or the global climate crisis

Österreichisches Windenergiesymposium

Vienna, Austria

WKO Exporttag

Covid-Klima Links

Covid-climate links

My Covid-climate thoughts organized in one place, in reverse chronological order

How to Reset the US Pandemic Response

Whether the problem is COVID-19 or climate change, the market on its own will not produce a sufficient quantity of goods – like therapeutic drugs or environmentally sustainable growth – that benefit society. Capitalizing on America’s private-sector dynamism will require the state to create incentives to produce such “social goods.”

Nein zur „Verschrottungsprämie“

Offener Brief von GLOBAL 2000, VCÖ, WWF Österreich, Sigrid Stagl, Karl Aiginger und Gernot Wagner an die österreichische Bundesregierung

Delayed Gratification Reading Club

London, UK


Keep in touch.