Solar Geoengineering Reading Group

Cambridge, MA

Harvard Project on Climate Agreements

Cambridge, MA

Welcome to the Solar Geoengineering Research blog

Blog launch

Harvard University Center for the Environment

Cambridge, MA

The 5 best books on Existential Risks

Centre for the Study of Existential Risk

The Economics of Climate Engineering

Fast, Cheap, and Imperfect

An Economic Anatomy of Optimal Climate Policy

Together with mitigation and adaptation, carbon and solar geoengineering span the universe of possible climate policies.

Zehn Ideen für eine grüne Wende

Von Alois Pumhösel

Ö1 Mittagsjournal: Das perfekte Problem

Gespräch mit Robert Czepel

Klimawandel: “Leider ist es schon verdammt spät”

KURIER-Gespräch mit Susanne Mauthner-Weber

Moral Hazard and Solar Geoengineering

Moral hazard [ˈmôrəl ˈhazərd, noun]—The lack of incentive to guard against risk when one is protected from its consequences.

The Hazard of Environmental Morality

Efforts to combat climate change should be pragmatic above all else.

Ö1 Dimensionen: “Plan C: Geoengineering”

Gestaltung: Benjamin Breitegger

What it’s like when Questlove does a better job tweeting about your research than CNN

A conversation between Holly Buck and Gernot Wagner

Energy Research Insights for Decisionmaking

Washington, DC

Research Workshop in Political Economy

Cambridge, MA

Stratospheric aerosol injection tactics and costs in the first 15 years of deployment

While cheap, such an aircraft-based program would unlikely be a secret

First quarterly newsletter from Harvard’s Solar Geoengineering Research Program

Solar geoengineering is at once an important and immensely difficult topic—both to research and to discuss its broader implications.

Vox Future Perfect

"If the world doesn’t get its act together on climate change, this could be our last resort."


Keep in touch.