Science Foo Camp

O'Reilly Media, Digital Science, Nature & Google

BBC World News: Geoengineering

The Guardian book review: Geoengineering – a stark warning

By Bibi van der Zee

Salon: “Could Earth be cooled by reflecting sunlight back into space?”

Interview with Matthew Rozsa

We Need to Talk About Geoengineering

Although climate change is primarily caused by excess greenhouse-gas emissions, there are many links in the chain between economic activities and the real-world effects of planetary warming. Each of these can be addressed in different ways, and all options should at least be on the table.

Fear of Geoengineering Is Really Anxiety About Cutting Carbon

Research into unproven technofixes isn’t a replacement for eliminating emissions, even if the debate over geoengineering is stuck on that concern.

Availability of risky geoengineering can make an ambitious climate mitigation agreement more likely

A simple model of climate negotiations shows how the mere threat of risky geoengineering might help induce a high-mitigation agreement.

Someone’s Going to Dim the Big Light

Solar geoengineering is fast, cheap, scary, and inevitable

Delayed Gratification Reading Club

London, UK

CFR podcast: Dimming the Sky

Why It Matters

Nature book review: Geoengineering

By Andrew Robinson

The Climate Pod: “Is Geoengineering worth the gamble?”

with Ty Benefiel

FAZ: „Wir sollten über Geoengineering sprechen“

Gespräch mit Marcus Theurer

Social science research to inform solar geoengineering

Climate Policy Forum

CNET: “Should we dim the sun? Why we need to talk about solar geoengineering”

By Jackson Ryan

The Pulse: “New fronts in the fight against climate change”

WHYY Philadelphia & Delaware

Science Foo Camp

O'Reilly Media, Digital Science, Nature & Google

BBC World News: Geoengineering

The Guardian book review: Geoengineering – a stark warning

By Bibi van der Zee


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