Carbon Taxes Cut Emissions, Not Jobs or Economic Growth

It’s easy to see why infrastructure spending would cut emissions, while creating jobs. Carbon taxes appear to do the same.

Why the Biden Administration Should Propose Carbon Tariffs

Assessing tariffs based on the carbon content of goods is complicated, but will lead to stronger climate policy and better economic outcomes.

Policy workshop addressed promises and challenges of using carbon pricing to combat climate change

Washington Center for Equitable Growth

Infrastructure means jobs

Jobs vs. environment is an old trope whose time has passed.

Recalculate the social cost of carbon

The science is ripe to update estimates of CO2 emissions costs. Calls to scrap the calculation are misguided.

How to Judge Biden’s Climate Record

To assess the effectiveness of climate policies, don’t look at today’s CO₂ emissions, instead focus on the trajectory.

It’s Too Late for Big Oil’s Pivot to a Carbon Tax

The American Petroleum Institute is considering endorsing a carbon price. That’s a big shift, but a carbon price alone is not good climate policy.

Eight priorities for calculating the social cost of carbon

Advice to the Biden administration as it seeks to account for mounting losses from storms, wildfires and other climate impacts.

A tale of two carbon prices

The U.S. is updating a number with the potential to push federal regulations into overdrive.

NPR Marketplace

Consider fossil fuel deaths when contemplating fossil fuel bailouts

Kurier: “Ohne Trump gäbe es keine Greta”

von Johannes Arends

SN: Nicht genug, aber „positive Signale“

von Stephanie Pack-Homolka

Inc.: “Why the Build Back Better Plan Will Be a Game-Changer for Green Tech Companies”

By Kevin J. Ryan

Nature: How climate coverage can drive change

By Anna Nowogrodzki

Wegener Center

Uni Graz

Lawmakers Need to Do Whatever It Takes to Price Carbon

No policy should be excluded based on purist economic or environmentalist principles

Bloomberg Law: ‘Matter of Education’

By Stephen Lee

Scientists’ Open Letter to Biden Administration and Congress

"Your leadership is urgently needed to seize the small window of opportunity that remains to limit the most catastrophic impacts of climate change now and for future generations."

A To-Do List for the New Climate Activists on Exxon’s Board

After a week when three oil giants were forced to face climate urgency, a guide to what concrete change might look like.


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