ZDF Aspekte: „Die Zukunft der Stadt“

mit Jo Schück

Post aus Washington

"Stadt Land Klima"-Gespräch mit Fabian Reinbold

Klima und Mobilität

Strategie Eisenstraße 2030

“In der Stadt ist es leicht, mit kleinem Fußabdruck zu leben”

Gespräch mit Bettina Figl

The Climate Tipping Point We Want

The green transition comes with costs; but they are well worth it, and they pale in comparison to the costs of inaction. The ever-falling costs of renewables have not eliminated the politics of climate change. But they certainly have made our choices much easier.

Carbon Taxes Cut Emissions, Not Jobs or Economic Growth

It’s easy to see why infrastructure spending would cut emissions, while creating jobs. Carbon taxes appear to do the same.

Deutschlandfunk Kultur

Gespräch mit Maike Albath

Why the Biden Administration Should Propose Carbon Tariffs

Assessing tariffs based on the carbon content of goods is complicated, but will lead to stronger climate policy and better economic outcomes.

Policy workshop addressed promises and challenges of using carbon pricing to combat climate change

Washington Center for Equitable Growth

Vom Kuckuck, kleinen Schritten und vom Klimawandel

Salzburger Nachrichten


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