“Gernot Wagner im Porträt”

Gespräch mit Alexander Rauscher

The costs of “costless” climate mitigation

The IPCC and leading economic models have different ideas about emissions reduction costs.

Climate risk is financial risk

“Diversifying risk is nigh impossible when it affects the entire planet.”

How I Greened My Prewar Co-op

A climate economist overhauls his leaky, 200-year-old co-op.

CESifo Area Conference

Munich, Germany

Climate shift uncertainty and economic damages

Draft — comments welcome

Business school teaching case study: How can Ørsted overcome its US challenges?

FT business school teaching case study

Marketplace: “What’s behind Tesla’s post-election stock slump?”

by Caleigh Wells

Reuters: “Republican officials rethink BlackRock bans after Panama port deal”

by Ross Kerber and Bo Erickson

Prevention: “Progress for the Planet”

by Meryl Davids Landau

20th Columbia University Energy Symposium

New York, NY

LONGi: Facing Strategic Challenges in the Solar PV Sector

Business School Case

Vehicle-to-Grid Technology and Network Effects

Business School Case

Manhattan University

New York, NY


Keep in touch.