GAEA/WEF Blended Finance

Columbia Climate School

The Energy Gang: “What is the role that the oil and gas industry should play in the energy transition? Does it have one?”

with Ed Crooks & Bjørn Otto Sverdup

Gute Industriepolitik ebnet den Weg zu effektiven CO2-Preisen

Es gibt handfeste Gründe dafür, effizienten Technologien zum Durchbruch zu verhelfen.

EU Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra

Columbia Business School

Organizational Leadership Series

Columbia Business School



Stegra: Green Hydrogen Steel

Business School Case

Climate policy curves highlight key mitigation choices

"Price up, quantity demanded down," climate policy edition.

Österreichische Nationalbank

Vienna, Austria

European Forum Alpbach

Alpbach, Austria


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