Interview with Srijana Mitra Das
The research focuses on climate risk, policy, technology, and the social cost of carbon. It highlights the concept of a ‘green moral hazard’ and the challenges of pricing climate uncertainty. Reinsurance companies play a crucial role in managing climate risk. The concept of ‘climateflation’ and its impact on various industries is discussed. Decarbonization of the steel sector is also explored.
Columbia Business School’s Gernot WagnerGernot Wagner is a climate economist at Columbia Business School. Speaking to Srijana Mitra Das, he discusses green tech, the urgency of climate mitigation — and counting the corporate costs of environmental uncertainty.
What is the core of your research?
My work spans multiple areas including climate risk and policy, environmental technology, the social cost of carbon, etc. Essentially, my research looks at how bad things currently are in this context and how the situation will become if we don’t act in a timely manner to cut emissions and decarbonise industrial sectors.You say every climate tech comes with a ‘green moral hazard’ — what does that mean?
Whenever there seems to be an easy techno-fix, there might also be a way out from doing the things which we know are necessary but are in fact harder and involve broader behavioural and societal changes. Climate is not the only example here — consider seat belts. These are a techno-fix and we know these protect us but we also know that when people wear a seat belt, many often engage in slightly riskier behaviour. That’s the paradox and hazard.What are some ways climate uncertainty can even be priced?
What we know about the environmental situation now is bad enough — but the things we can quantify, like how much each ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) costs, are at least known. What we don’t know in terms of climate risks, with all the uncertainties involved, is potentially much worse. The data clearly indicates the need to cut emissions much faster than we are doing.However, businesses are taking these risks into account. I’ve observed a massive evolution over the last ten years in the corporate world’s understanding of climate change — companies now know climate risk is financial risk.
Among the businesses most affected by this phenomenon are reinsurance companies — some of the largest global companies of this kind are among the best climate modellers out there. They are acting as climate risk managers because they have to, given that they are holding this within their insurance contracts. They thus explicitly model climate change — they incorporate altering global warming factors into their risk management. The big task now is to internalise incorporating such perils into business decision-making and risk management.
You research commodities in the era of climate change — what does ‘climateflation’ mean and which industries will this impact the most?
The term ‘climateflation’ goes back to Isabel Schnabel, a member of the Executive Committee of the European Central Bank. She identified three key terms — ‘climateflation’, ‘fossilflation’ and ‘greenflation’. Regarding the first two, ‘climateflation’ means inflationary increases due to extreme weather event sand unmitigated warming. These cause price spikes when, for instance, crops fail due to weather disruptions. ‘Fossilflation’ refers to oil, coal and gas. These are traded globally — hence when there is unrest in the Middle East or a disruption like the continuing invasion of Ukraine by Russia, fossil fuel prices spike, leading to inflation in the global economy. The two are intricately linked — the greater our dependence on fossil fuels, the higher the risks of fossilflation and climateflation.The latter most directly impacts industries which are heavily exposed to the elements, such as agriculture. But climateflation drives up food commodity prices first and then comes to product prices as food costs rise. Also, natural resource-dependent industries, like mining, are vulnerable to this as are global supply chains. When there are floods in Thailand, for instance, which hit a particular set of widget assembling crucial to the global car industry, being put together in certain factories located there, the world’s largest car maker is forced to temporarily shut because it can’t get this specific tool — that too is climateflation.
What are some ways to decarbonise as massive a global input as steel?
The short answer is electrification. There too, the game is to get off commodities which are used directly in the production of steel. This is derived from iron ore which means the price of steel will always fluctuate depending on the price of iron ore — but the process of making steel can be changed.Currently, 80% of the steel industry’s emissions come from blast furnaces that add coal to iron ore and produce iron plus carbon dioxide (CO2). For every ton of steel, more than two tons of CO2 are thus emitted.
There are alternatives to this way of production though — these include material efficiency, recycling, etc., as steel itself is 100% recyclable. There are also two factors of primary production involved. The first is electrification and electrolysis and the second is using green hydrogen — this should stem from renewables or low-carbon electricity utilised in deriving hydrogen. These are some ways to begin decarbonising the steel sector — the effort is important since this counts for 10% of the world’s emissions.
Full interview: “Companies now know climate risks mean financial risks — industrial sectors need swift decarbonisation, says Columbia Business School’s Gernot Wagner” by Srijana Mitra Das, The Economic Times (22 February 2024).