Guardian: “‘We’re still in the 1970s with cement’: Norway plant to blaze carbon-free concrete trail”

by Ajit Niranjan

““Cement plus CCS will always be more expensive than just producing cement,” said Gernot Wagner, a climate economist at Columbia Business School. “The green premium in cement is real.”

For customers, the good news is that climate-friendly cement should add little to the final cost of an apartment. But while carmakers have spurred early investments in green steel by telling suppliers they are willing to pay a premium, no obvious lead market exists for clean concrete.

The key is now to quickly learn from early projects and bring costs down, said Wagner, “to turn low-carbon cement from a curiosity into a commodity”.

Quoted in: “‘We’re still in the 1970s with cement’: Norway plant to blaze carbon-free concrete trail” by Ajit Niranjan, Guardian (12 August 2024).

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