“Risky Business” stands out in growing sea of climate reports

Lessons in managing climate risks from some most familiar with financial ones

World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists


Pay Now or Pay More Later

Economics is largely just organized common sense, and it doesn’t get much more common sense than benefit-cost analysis.

Climate change and risk management

Climate change, in the end, is a risk management problem. A lot of it has to do with buying insurance against worst-case outcomes.

Inconvenient Uncertainties

We know enough to act now. What we don’t know should prompt us to even more decisive action.

Was Hurricane Sandy the ‘Fat Tail’ of Climate Change?

Fat tails usually don't happen. This week, one did.

It’s not over ‘til the fat tail zings

You can bail out AIG, Greece, or even the United States. You can’t bail out the planet.

Statistics 101: Climate policy = risk management

My response to Bjørn Lomborg's review of Climate Shock in Barron's.

What we know — and what we don’t — about global warming

Making Sen$e with Paul Solman

Climate Change: Like an Asteroid

The threat of climate change must be taken far more seriously, before it is too late.

Climate Change Impacts at the National Level: Known Trends, Unknown Tails, and Unknowables

The costs of inaction

American Economic Association meetings

Boston, MA

AGU Fall Meetings

San Francisco, CA

Harvard Environmental Economics Program Workshop

Cambridge, MA

Beyond IPCC: Future paths for climate research

University of Gothenburg

“Risky Business” stands out in growing sea of climate reports

Lessons in managing climate risks from some most familiar with financial ones


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