The Cost to Reach Net Zero By 2050 Is Actually a Bargain

A multi-trillion-dollar global investment seems massive. But the closer you look, the smaller the numbers become.

Reuters on McKinsey report: “The net-zero transition”

$3.5 trillion in new investments globally, per year through 2050, to get to net zero emissions.

Cheaper solar PV is key to addressing climate change

The rapidly dropping price of solar power has transformed how we think about clean energy. But it needs to still get a whole lot cheaper.

“Eine CO2-Steuer trifft die Reichen”

Gespräch mit Benedikt Narodoslawsky

Factoring in the forgotten role of renewables in CO2 emission trends using decomposition analysis

Renewables decreased U.S. CO2 emissions by 2.3–3.3% from 2007-13, roughly matching the 2.5–3.6% from natural gas.

Policy sequencing toward decarbonization

Economics 101 says price carbon. Economics 102 says subsidize R&D. Political Economy 101 points to policies that support clean technology deployment.

European Forum Alpbach seminar “Energy transition”

Alpbach, Austria

Whale blubber and horse manure

Establishing practical estimates for city-integrated solar PV and wind

Response to Kammen, Sunter, and Dabiri's reply to our Science eLetter

Stated estimates for city-integrated wind and solar PV are too high

Integrating renewables into cities might reconnect us to our environment with everyday reminders of our energy demands. Getting the numbers right is key.

The heat-pump fix

To ditch fossil fuels for good, we must combine a range of technologies and approaches.

WIRED: “Why You (and the Planet) Really Need a Heat Pump”

By Matt Simon

The Cost to Reach Net Zero By 2050 Is Actually a Bargain

A multi-trillion-dollar global investment seems massive. But the closer you look, the smaller the numbers become.

Reuters on McKinsey report: “The net-zero transition”

$3.5 trillion in new investments globally, per year through 2050, to get to net zero emissions.

Cheaper solar PV is key to addressing climate change

The rapidly dropping price of solar power has transformed how we think about clean energy. But it needs to still get a whole lot cheaper.

“Eine CO2-Steuer trifft die Reichen”

Gespräch mit Benedikt Narodoslawsky

Factoring in the forgotten role of renewables in CO2 emission trends using decomposition analysis

Renewables decreased U.S. CO2 emissions by 2.3–3.3% from 2007-13, roughly matching the 2.5–3.6% from natural gas.

Policy sequencing toward decarbonization

Economics 101 says price carbon. Economics 102 says subsidize R&D. Political Economy 101 points to policies that support clean technology deployment.

European Forum Alpbach seminar “Energy transition”

Alpbach, Austria


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