LEDs meet the locavore

Rebound effect, round 725

Push renewables to spur carbon pricing

Make wind and solar power even cheaper by opening up access to the electricity grid and ending fossil-fuel subsidies.

Air conditioning is not the enemy

Carbon pollution is.

Rio Isn’t All Lost

Carbon emissions have increased by 50 percent since the first Earth Summit meeting in Rio de Janeiro, but the rapid development of wind and solar energy offers hope.

The Economic Case for Environmental Rules

Overall, the benefits of the 1970 Clean Air Act exceed costs by a factor of 30 to 1.

Nuclear numbers

The looming U.S. nuclear cliff

Whale blubber and horse manure

Establishing practical estimates for city-integrated solar PV and wind

Response to Kammen, Sunter, and Dabiri's reply to our Science eLetter

Stated estimates for city-integrated wind and solar PV are too high

Integrating renewables into cities might reconnect us to our environment with everyday reminders of our energy demands. Getting the numbers right is key.

LEDs meet the locavore

Rebound effect, round 725

Push renewables to spur carbon pricing

Make wind and solar power even cheaper by opening up access to the electricity grid and ending fossil-fuel subsidies.

Air conditioning is not the enemy

Carbon pollution is.

Rio Isn’t All Lost

Carbon emissions have increased by 50 percent since the first Earth Summit meeting in Rio de Janeiro, but the rapid development of wind and solar energy offers hope.

The Economic Case for Environmental Rules

Overall, the benefits of the 1970 Clean Air Act exceed costs by a factor of 30 to 1.

Nuclear numbers

The looming U.S. nuclear cliff


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