FOX5NY on energy costs and the Inflation Reduction Act

Interview with Lori Stokes

The Hill: “EU official unveils proposals to address energy crisis amid Ukraine war”

By Sharon Udasin

IRA’s impact on Climate Investing

New York, NY

Simons Foundation

New York, NY

Heute: „Warum kann urbanes Leben die Welt retten, Herr Wagner?“

Gespräch mit Lydia Matzka-Saboi

Declining crop yields limit the potential of bioenergy

Global-warming projections that rely on bioenergy strategies to offset carbon dioxide emissions could be unduly optimistic, according to a study that accounts for how climate change affects crop yields.

APA: “Sinkende Ernteerträge durch Klimawandel mindern CO₂-Speicherpotenzial”


Economist Impact

London, UK

CFR podcast: Fighting the Climate Crisis

The President’s Inbox

NYT: Pace of Climate Change Sends Economists Back to Drawing Board

By Lydia DePillis


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