FAZ: “Eine Frage der Zeit”

von Sibylle Anderl

The Green Growth Mindset

Heated academic debates between proponents and opponents of traditional economic growth under capitalism might make for good television, but they offer little in the way of solutions. Climate change demands that we achieve both growth and degrowth, depending on the activity and economic sector in question.

NZZ: «Die Jugend hat immer geschrien, Gott sei Dank!»

Gespräch mit Kalina Oroschakoff & Gerald Hosp

Amazon Economics

Columbia Business School

Observer: “Climate Change Reading List”

By Andrew Eil

AFP: “IEA Chief Birol: An ‘Unexpected Hero’ Of Climate Fight”

By Catherine Hours

Accountability in a Sustainable World


Washington Post Live

Conversation with Timothy Puko

Stiftung Kultur und Natur

Bad Heilbrunn, Deutschland

DATUM: “Gernot Wagner über die vielversprechendsten Maßnahmen gegen die Klimakrise”

Gespräch mit Sebastian Loudon


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