FAZ: “Größer denken, kleiner wohnen”

Von Winand von Petersdorff

Profil: „Werden auf Nuklearenergie nicht verzichten können“

Gespräch mit Christina Hiptmayr

Kunst Haus Wien

Hundertwasser bewegt

Salon: “Could Earth be cooled by reflecting sunlight back into space?”

Interview with Matthew Rozsa

Cascadia Wildfire and Urban Smoke


We Need to Talk About Geoengineering

Although climate change is primarily caused by excess greenhouse-gas emissions, there are many links in the chain between economic activities and the real-world effects of planetary warming. Each of these can be addressed in different ways, and all options should at least be on the table.

Is it economists’ fault?

Biases inherent to the way economics is typically practiced by consultants is slowing meaningful progress on fighting climate change.

Heat has larger impacts on labor in poorer areas

One additional day >32 °C (90 °F) lowers annual payroll by 0.04%, equal to 2.1% of average weekly earnings.

New Summits

Project Syndicate Panel Discussion and Q&A with International Media


Deutsches Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung


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