America’s Zero Carbon Action Plan

Sustainable Development Solutions Network

NYU Wagner Hallway Talks podcast

NYU Wagner Review

The economic case for the United States to remain in the Paris Agreement on climate change

LSE Grantham Policy Brief

Climate Economics Nobel May Do More Harm Than Good

By Marlowe Hood/Agence France-Presse

Covid-climate links

My Covid-climate thoughts organized in one place, in reverse chronological order

New York City Panel on Climate Change

City Hall Press Release

Nein zur „Verschrottungsprämie“

Offener Brief von GLOBAL 2000, VCÖ, WWF Österreich, Sigrid Stagl, Karl Aiginger und Gernot Wagner an die österreichische Bundesregierung

Chronicle of Philanthropy letter: Economics shows need for more action

Letter to the Editor

Foreign Policy: Sorry, Nature Isn’t Returning

Don’t Touch Your Face podcast

franknews: Ignoring Reality

Interview with Tatti Ribeiro


Keep in touch.