Guardian: “Cookies and candy are latest victims of climate crisis as sugar prices surge”

by Oliver Milman

Best Reads in 2023

Project Syndicate

Sonne & Stahl: “Das Jahr im Klima-Check. So gut lief’s in den USA & der EU”

Mit Andreas Sator & Miranda Schreurs

Marketplace: “OPEC+ members say they’ll cut oil production. Global markets don’t seem to believe them.”

By Mitchell Hartman

Marketplace: “Climate change effects likely to include long-term inflation”

By Henry Epp

BBC World Business Report: “Australia offers Tuvalu residents climate change visas”

World Service radio

ClimateWire/Politico Pro: “White House overhaul paves way for stricter regulations”

By Jean Chemnick

Trend: „Es wird immer billiger, nicht umweltschädigend zu leben“

Gespräch mit Josef Votzi

NPR Marketplace: “More than 130 major companies press world leaders to phase out fossil fuels by 2035”

By Nova Safo

Der Spiegel: »Wie ein Start-up mit Schwefelballons die Erde kühlen will«

Gespräch mit Regina Steffens und Jelena Berner


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