LEDs meet the locavore

Rebound effect, round 725

Kurier: “Die sechs Schritte nach Harvard”

von Nicole Thurn

Bionic Planet podcast: How A Carbon Price Can Ease The Climate Shock

Ecosystem Marketplace Bionic Planet podcast, Part 1

WRFI The Forecast

Ithaca, NY

Ö1 Kontext: Klimaschock

Klimaschock Gespräch mit Wolfgang Ritschl

Climate Shock now out as paperback

Top spot among Nature Magazine's "Highlights of this season's releases"

Climate Shock, Shock Climático, Klimaschock

Climate Shock soon available in several languages

Comments on the U.S. Social Cost of Carbon

Joint EDF-NRDC-NYU-UCS comments on the importance and current shortcomings of the U.S. Social Cost of Carbon.

Vox EU Climate Shock podcast

Conversation with Romesh Vaitilingam

PBS NewsHour Making Sen$e with Paul Solman

An economists' take on how to combat climate change


Keep in touch.