“Risky Business” stands out in growing sea of climate reports

Lessons in managing climate risks from some most familiar with financial ones

Cleaner air gave Americans a $4,300 pay raise

There's no such thing as a free lunch, but sometimes you are paid to eat it.

Carbon pricing vs. regulation: An economist weighs in

Price carbon, and get out of the way. It's effective. It’s cheap. It works. Except for when politics gets in the way.

Over 120,000 Stand Up for a Social Cost of Carbon

Climate Reality, Organizing for Action, and Sierra Club join forces with EDF

Reality check: Society pays for carbon pollution and that's no benefit

Coal lobby speaks, industry no longer listens

Why the cost of carbon pollution is both too high and too low

Correcting the maths of the "50 to 1 Project"

Fatal flaws in Lord Monckton's "analysis"

Leading from behind

Rational planning demands a price on carbon

Uncovering the Real Cost of Carbon

The U.S. government's calculation is a good start, but it's only a start

Benefits of Clean Air and Water Dwarf Costs 10 to 1

EPA tops benefit-cost ratios across agencies


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